Monday, March 4, 2013

Consuming Thoughts.

Do you ever wonder why you stop doing what you love? When I started this blog in 2010 it was about turning my thoughts and feelings into words, into concrete ideas that helped me better understand the changing circumstances around me. Largely my story was about changing from a selfish husband into the Dad, Husband, overall person I wanted to be. Certainly the journey didn't end with my last post in November of 2011. I just haven't written about it. There is certainly love lost for all the great things that happened without getting it on 'paper'.

I am again on a path of self reflection, not because of a large life event, but because there is something inside of me that makes me want to 're-invent' myself every couple of years - to throw Joe 2.0 out the window, and create the new and improved Joe. Reinvention could be fueled by my ever-evolving, internalized self critical nature. I don't often share my deep pitfalls with others - especially the ones that keep me up at night (most are rooted into times where I let others down). That sometimes leads me to wonder if people around me think that I THINK I'm perfect. I am far, far from it personally, professionally. In every nook and cranny of my life there are areas that I am flawed. I don't like it - at all. If I were to funnel everything into one opportunity - I want to be a better leader for my family, job, and other commitments (mainly fraternity stuff).

I want to use this blog again to talk through my thoughts in hopes of figuring out how to do these things better. I especially owe this betterment to my family, friends, and colleagues.

Announcing Baby Peanut!! 

Oh, and btw Jane and I are expecting again! We are 11 weeks in, and love seeing and reading about how baby peanut is growing so fast. We couldn't be happier to have a little brother/sister for Grayson. We have already read a couple of 'big brother' books a couple of times with him. He is going to make an amazing, loving and caring big brother. Thanks to Marcela Clinton for grabbing these shots for us!!

Even when being a typical two year old during pictures he still captures our hearts. 

I really love this picture. Thanks, Marcela!!
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